Furthermore, both Speed and Power can be manually lowered in the settings menu. The latter feature can be disabled in the settings.

When leveling up, the maximum XP cap increases by a bit for the next level and a small text portion will be appearing on the HUD that tells of the player's exact parameter values, before scrolling up and off the screen. A high Speed and Power parameter, combined with a well-timed Spin Dash on a slope, will let a player reach notable heights. It helps the player reach Sky Rings or higher parts of worlds.

Power: Determines the playable character's jumping height.There is a meter at the bottom left corner of the screen that displays a player's speed in MPH. Speed also affects a player's Spin Dash and Homing Attacks. At higher speeds, players can go through loops, launch themselves from slopes, and run along walls. Speed starts out low but can get exponentially higher as a player progresses with the game. Speed: Determines the playable character's maximum speed.Gathering enough XP will increase the player's level, increasing the following parameters: Sky Rings, also unique to the game, grant large amounts of XP when traveled through. Another source of XP is through completing Quests. The playable character also gains one XP for each step they take or through purchases from in-game shops. Unique to this game, the player can find multicolored Chaos Orbs scattered around the world which gradually increase their Experience Points (XP) when collected.

The game is about traversing open worlds at high speed while, in a similar fashion to other "simulator" experiences found on Roblox, continually upgrading the player character's abilities. In a similar vein to Sonic Adventure 2, all the playable characters share a plethora of moves such as the Spin Jump, Spin Attack (referred to as the "Spin Dash"), Spin Dash (referred to as the "Spin Dash Charge"), Jump Dash, Homing Attack, Drop Dash, and Boost. The player's Roblox avatar is unlocked by default, but by completing Quests, collecting cards, redeeming codes, purchasing or meeting requirements during specific events, the player can unlock additional characters from the Sonic series, such as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and several variations of them. Sonic Speed Simulator is a 3D, third-person incremental platformer game that features open worlds and multiple playable characters. Sonic grinding down a Grind Rail in Green Hill, the first world in the game.